Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resource Center

We can’t stress enough the importance of submitting these coronavirus relief applications as soon as possible. All programs have a limited amount of funds and program funds will be exhausted more quickly than you think. Check out the list.

As the coronavirus outbreak continues to overwhelm New Jersey with positive cases and its highest single-day increase in COVID-19 deaths, Gov. Phil Murphy issues new executive orders. Read more for a list of them all.

The “Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act” or “CARES Act” includes provisions specifically designed to help small businesses who have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. We summarize the two types of loans available through the Small Business Administration (SBA), EIDL and PPP. Read More.

We can’t stress enough the importance of submitting your coronavirus relief applications promptly (and we mean as soon as possible – ASAP). All programs have a limited amount of funds and program funds will be exhausted more quickly than you think – for New Jersey’s first program it was 1hr. and 15mins. Read More.

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) as an agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce, like other government agencies, has not remained unaffected by COVID-19. Read More.

Businesses need to understand and consider the potential legal risks of the coronavirus outbreak. Specifically, if there is a force majeure clause in your contract, how does it help you? How does it hurt you? Read More.

The “COVID-19 Emergency Response Package” is aimed at not only helping business owners, but employees that might be impacted as well. As of March 19, 2020, Governor Murphy has signed 4 of the bills.  Read More.

New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy signed an executive order directing most of New Jersey’s 9 million residents to stay home and closed nonessential business. Read More

Currently “pending” before the New Jersey Legislature is A-3844, a bill, which if signed into law, would require insurance carriers to provide coverage for COVID-19-related business interruption claims. Read More.

U.S. Senate passed the emergency Families First Coronavirus Response Act. This bill supports efforts to provide relief and increase public health measures intended to assist people during the public health emergency caused by coronavirus. Read More.

The spread of COVID-19 is leaving workers in the U.S. scrambling to figure out what happens to their jobs and their pay if it prevents them from reporting to work. A Reminder to NJ Employees: Sick Leave is Required by Law! Read More.

Newton discovered gravity in quarantine. Shakespeare wrote King Lear in quarantine. We want to know what you have up your sleeve! Read More.


We have outlined some key legal issues which directors, general managers and legal counsel should consider over the next few weeks in light of this unprecedented pandemic. Read More.