Treaty Trader & Investor Solutions

Comprehensive E-1/E-2 visa services for international traders and investors establishing or expanding U.S. operations.

Treaty Trader & Investor Services

Strategic solutions for international trade and investment visas

E-1 Treaty Trader
Expert assistance with E-1 visa applications for individuals and companies engaged in substantial international trade with treaty countries.
E-2 Treaty Investor
Comprehensive support for E-2 visa applications for investors making substantial investments in U.S. business operations.
Business Plan Development
Strategic assistance in developing comprehensive business and investment plans to support E-1/E-2 visa applications.
Treaty Qualification Analysis
Detailed analysis of treaty eligibility, trade volume, and investment requirements for successful E-1/E-2 applications.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you can't find the answer to your question, please contact us for more information.

What are the requirements for E-1 treaty trader visas?

E-1 visas require citizenship of a treaty country, substantial international trade primarily between the U.S. and treaty country, and a qualifying position within the trading company. We help evaluate eligibility and document requirements.

What qualifies as a substantial investment for E-2 visas?

The investment must be substantial in relation to the business type, sufficient to ensure the successful operation of the enterprise, and more than a marginal living income. We help determine appropriate investment levels and documentation.

Which countries have trade treaties with the U.S.?

The U.S. maintains trade treaties with numerous countries. Eligibility depends on specific treaty provisions and nationality requirements. We provide guidance on treaty country qualification and requirements.

How long can treaty traders/investors stay in the U.S.?

E-1/E-2 visas are typically issued for up to 5 years with unlimited extensions possible as long as qualifications are maintained. Initial admission is usually for 2 years with extensions available in 2-year increments.

Start Your Treaty Trader/Investor Process

Contact us to discuss your E-1/E-2 visa needs and develop a strategic approach for your business.